Stargate Sg-1

Carter: Are you crazy? It's a paradise.
O'Neill: Yeah, sure, have an apple. What could happen?
Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music.
O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?
O'Neill: How do I know you're really Daniel?
Jackson: Because.
O'Neill: Yeah, okay.
O'Neill: All right, I gotta know. What the hell does "kree" mean?
Jackson: Well, actually, it means a lot of things. Loosely translated it means "attention," "listen up," "concentrate—"
O'Neill: "Yoo hoo"?
O'Neill: You know that "we come in peace" business? Bite me.
O'Neill: We'll be unavailable, inaccessible...
Hammond: Incommunicado...
O'Neill: Minnesota, Sir.
Hammond: I stand corrected.
Carter: Our goal is to take out Anubis' new super weapon. It's what gives him a clear advantage over the rest of the Goa'uld mother ships. Now, we've received word from Teal'c that Yu has pledged to bring the full force of the remaining system lords' fleet down on Anubis once we've succeeded.
O'Neill: Okay. Everyone who thinks this is absolutely an insane idea, raise your hand. Come on, be honest.
Everyone, including Carter, eventually raise their hand
O'Neill: Teal'c. Are you there?
Teal'c: Proceed, O'Neill.
O'Neill: You know how I get when you don't call.
Jackson: Jack, we need to talk! Oh! Sorry for interrupting.
O'Neill: No! It's important. You must interrupt. You must.
Jackson: I think we may have found a ZPM.
O'Neill: Yes!
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