I have this.......thing......for MacGyver. You know, the tv series...well not just MacGyver, actually also the actor Richard Dean Anderson.
God, I love this guy I really do. The reasons are many, some of them being that for me MacGyver has been a constant lighthouse in life. Maybe this sounds a bit extreme or even too much but the truth is that in this day and age the qualities and the beliefs that Mac stands for are highly underestimated. Frowned upon even.
For who can take for serious a hero who hates guns, who believes that the core of humanity is goodness, that people are born explorers, that in this journey through life one is lucky to have a few friends to share the road, that there are things worth sacrificing for above the materialistic goals that our society has inflicted upon us, but also there are still things living for.

MacGyver was a guy who approached everything, every situation or person with such a positive approach, such a will to help (with no concern most of the time for himself). A guy so loyal to his friends who would literally jump in flames for them (many times he actually did). He even helped his enemies for crying out loud;)
As a scientist his eagerness to learn, his resourcefulness and his awe and admiration for the world, our universe was a constant inspiration for me. MacGyver really and truly loved this planet, our home and everything about it. And he made his love a constant way of life.
So one could say that how could such a seemingly perfect but still not real TV hero have had any impact on your life?
Ever since I remember myself, as a little girl, later a teenager, then a student etc all my actions, my decisions, the way I lived my life were always affected by Mac. I remember distinctively the first time I went on a journey (I love to travel) I kept thinking of what Mac said :

"Some people say that there are no more frontiers left for us to conquer. But then again, some people still go out into the wilderness in search of their dream."
The same sense of adventure and exploration, the need to see the world, learn some new things is with me still.
When I decided to change my course in college, chose Computer Science instead of Medicine I did it thinking :
"I took physics because it was interesting, and it excited me - not to buy myself a job."
Another important thing was his never ending hope. Hope for life. This kind of hope, not false one but the one that comes from a truly strong character who has retained the youthfulness of the child without the immaturity is unique.
"Another day, a whole 'nother set of fresh possibilities . . . I'm a sucker for mornings."
And about his open-minded approach to everything:
"Only a fool is sure of anything, a wise man keeps on guessing."

And about friendship:
"When I was a kid, my grandfather used to say to me that . . . a fellow's life wasn't worth mentioning if he hadn't shared it with some folks along the way."
And about personal freedom:
"Some people are scared of anybody who runs free."
And about honor and valour:
"Walk in love, walk in service, and you will walk in honor, my beloved son, Angus."
Here I go again, can't even write a decent piece about MacGyver without using his words. Goes to show about his influence on my way of thinking.
But also the actor, Richard Dean Anderson, who until recently was star and co-producer of Stargate SG1. Well, I think RDA was playing himself all along, in every episode or

So, for RDA a big, HUGE thanks for always following his path and comforting me in my loneliness in following mine.
You are so right!!! Leonardo and Mac have been my 2 idols also!!!! I loved physics, the mechanics of nature, but also I was inspired by the same things you describe. As for SG1 to tell you the truth even though the team is fantastic if it wasn't for RDA I would not be so hooked. Its exactly as you say....like MAcGyver is Jack O'Neill with a gun. I miss the duct tape too;) You know we have many similarities...impressive :)
Hey I remember them;) Actually I love the second one, it's called Hell Week. Great episode! I also liked the first seasons, they were very adventourous. Also my absolute absolute favourite was the Legend of the Holy Rose (epecially the part at the end when Mac says 'Myths and dreams come from the same place') Thanks for what you said...I'm glad my posts men something to you:)
Yup that's the one;-) It was a double episode and it was inspired by Indiana Jones indeed. Hey that is a great pic I love it:)))))) I'll try to find one with my dog and post it too....say how can we exchange emails without publishing them?
This is where we first met...as I was browsing blogs, this one jumped out and grabbed me. And we were talking about the same exact thing we were talking about the other day, as if it was brand new, haha! I've known we've done this for some time, and it just means our conversations will NEVER get old!
I love you Noys :)
This is where we first met. I was bored at work one day and was browsing blogs, and this one jumped out and grabbed me. We were talking about the exact things we were talking about just the other day!! I've known we do this for some time now, and it doesn't mean we have poor memories, it just means we will NEVER run out of things to talk about!
I love you Noys :)
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