Ralph Fiennes

"The people I consider successful are so because of how they handle their responsibilities to other people, how they approach the future, people who have a full sense of the value of their life and what they want to do with it. I call people successful not because they have money or their business is doing well but because, as human beings, they have a fully developed sense of being alive and engaged in a lifetime task of collaboration with other human beings -- their mothers and fathers, their family, their friends, their loved ones, the friends who are dying, the friends who are being born. Success.. is all about being able to extend love to people... not in a big, capital letter sense but in the everyday. Little by little, task by task, gesture by gesture, word by word."
Ralph Fiennes
After watching the Golden Globes and the SAG Awards 2009 I was really intrigued by 'Bernard and Doris'...and oh dear what a spectacular Bernard Ralph is you cannot tell he is acting the drama is so underlying and painful it is simply heartbreaking to watch.
I loved Ralph ever since 'The English Patient', absolutely hated-adored him in 'Schindler's List' and could not believe he would be the one to play Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter, a role he played in 2 days.
Well he is a great actor, one that encapsulates for me the essence of 'an actor is a light', a great artist and a man with a soul larger than life.
This spectacular actor and human being has been greatly mistreated by the academy he deserved the award for every nomination he ever got.
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