And continuum

The problem with writing about something so emotionally charged, like Freddie Mercury, is that for a while afterwards you are unable to write anything else because....well.....everything else in comparison is found wanting .....
So here below is a piece about a guy who literally embodies what for me was the most important topic of an essay in high school .....
The topic was what is better, to live your life, a long life like an ant, gathering and gathering goods so that you are provided in harsher times, or sing your lungs out all summer and die at summers end.......
Of course the 'correct' thesis on this is the first, which is what all of my classmates wrote about. I chose the second one to debate on, and was met with dismay by my professors. I was only a child and even though I was a bit shaken my belief still stood strong.
I would rather die singing my lungs out, living than keep silent and gather and become just a past of the mass of constructors.
After the last few weeks I think I have realized what has obsessed me with Freddie. He actually was a Lover (with a capital L) of life and he literally died singing.
In one of his interviews he says 'well of course I love music , its my life but if for some reason I stop making songs or people stop buying them I'll do something else, I dunno, I'll become a stripper.....(reporter)and what music will you strip to Freddie? (freddie) Well my own songs of course darling!'
He accepted what he was with such dignity, with such understanding but also with such easiness that one is enchanted by him.
'I'm just a musical prostitute my dear'
You gotta love this man.
Anyway these are great artists, great men who lived. I'm not a religious person (spiritual agnostic) but there is something in the Bible that fits perfectly "Those not found written in the Book of Life will be thrown into the lake of fire"
Now I know this does not refer to people's lives, it is actually a Christian reference to the Book of Life, however in a broader sense those who do not leave their imprint on life, they will be lost, forgotten and their existence will be matter less.
He certainly left his imprint on life. So now I'm stuck and at the moment I cannot write. It is my own personal Erinya my search for meaning, my search for an imprint on this life.
I feel the moments of time like dust slipping through my fingers and I long for this imprint but I also long for - deep breath - as Freddie said - Happiness.
I want to be happy.
And that is natural I guess but people tend to forget, or rather not understand what happiness is. more more guilt......I want to be HAPPY.
I want to experience the universe.
I want to share what I have become and my journey towards what awaits me with someone who longs for the same.
Oh stars, you shine so brightly, you blind me in your eternal light.
And I still love you.
Those are the days of our lives - Queen
Sometimes I get to feelin
I was back in the old days - long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Thing seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shinin - we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just dont know
The rest of my lifes been just a show
Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find I still love you
You cant turn back the clock you cant turn back the tide
Aint that a shame
Id like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinkin on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just dont know
Better sit back and go with the flow
Cos these are the days of our lives
Theyve flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change
Those were the days of our lives - yeah
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one things still true
When I look and I find
I still love you
I still love you
Yes, Freddie was one of a kind and had left us too soon in his short life. I also love the music you have on your site.
I will listen to it next time I observe and when I broadcast live. I would like to email you to let you know when I am broadcasting. The Live.Yahoo link is on my website.
Clear skies
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