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A thing of beauty is a joy forever |
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Not one heartbeat do I forget

Lost in Austen
Amazing! Jane Austen must be turning in her grave but still amazing!!!!!!
Not one heartbeat do I forget! Brilliant!
"I love you.
I didn't know that.
But it is clear to me now that I have always loved you.
Every time I've fallen for a man, I've closed my eyes and it's been you.
Even Michael, and I pretty much lived with him for a year.
So, yes. I have a past. But every...instant in it contains you.
Everything I am.....belongs to you."

Mr.Darcy, Pemberley, Elizabeth Bennet and now Amanda Price.......I'm so in love!
Rarely has there been a character as everlasting and romantically inspiring as Elizabeth Bennet. A witty, defiant, annoyingly wit-spirited, funny under social circumstances that frowned uppon fun, independent...tottaly brilliant.
Elizabeth Bennet is the epitome of the all-time classic female romantic figure, in a book which seems to be all about manners and well kept gardens but in truth.....Pride and Prejudice is about what we see and what we believe, the road to understanding and actually putting prejudice...and pride aside in order to really see into one another.
When Mr.Darcy sees Elizabeth he is not taken to her, she is not what a young woman of her age should be, not acclaimed to music or singing. She reads and laughs and is independent and witty. But he is irreversably attracted to her as she to him as the book continues because of his character, because of his truth.
Well in this series Elizabeth Bennet comes into the 21st century (as is so fitting for such an independent figure) and Amanda Price, a young lady that has gone through the battle of the sexes of this century, takes her place(not so lightly though, with a lot of self-battling and with a thrilling twist right at the end- not a heartbeat do I forget).
A young woman with all her notoriously known characteristics and a dash of 21st century.
I never expected to see one of my favourite heroes ripped apart and then put back in such a way but Lost in Austen has really captured (for me) the Jane Austen spirit, and my favourite book (I am not particularly fond of the rest except for Sense and Sensibility)
It is indeed a dream to find Mr.Darcy behind a door in your bathroom but my only problem continues to be....I'm still greatly and ever so strongly tied to the 21st century...(but I wouldn't mind Mr.Darcy)
Labels: Books, Literature, TV
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I am trying....
Last year that was a terrible time for me, being sick and everything, in a really mind altering way, my mind and body being crushed under the weight of an unknown enemy that I have to fight till this day.
I promised myself last year, I said this time I'm going to be well and on my feet and I'm also going to be on call (at work)
It was my way of fighting my daemons. I remember the first time I returned to work after not having fully recovered, how strange the keyboard felt under my fingertips. How strange it felt to log on as root to systems that I knew so well but they felt as strangers to me.
It was at that time that I promised myself that I would get through this, I would come back, and one year after I would be my old self.
I dreaded this time, more out of superstition than anything else, even though I believe in science alone and probability says that these things do not happen twice on the same dates. But then again it has happened to me:)
Life......it has been so strange to me this last year, so difficult in general.
You'd think you get used to relying on yourself and yourself alone but you don't.
You fight and you continue, one step at a time as I have come to do this past year but you don't get used to it.
And I long for the things that give meaning to my life, I long to see the hills of Rome and Tuscany, where the light is so translucent it blinds you in joy.
But I am also afraid.
Of so many things. And I used to be fearless. The journey to my old self is impossible, because that self did not have the knowledge of what it means to lose yourself....and then come back. Alone.
So the journey is transformed into adjusting the old qualities with the new knowledge, as any intelligent system has to do.
'Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious'
I am trying....
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