How does one's fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark? Is it something that happens right away or is it a slow process?
And can it be reversed?
I guess that no rules apply here sometimes it can sometimes it cannot. Does life just throw in front of you something you didn't expect? And how many times can you believe again?
Countless maybe I am not sure......but as I was watching Stargate SG1 (the final season unfortunattely) I got to thinking that evn though nothing is forever there are certain things that just stay with you and keep you when all other lights go out, like Earendil's light:)
I wonder why nothing can ever be easy or simple for certain people? Probably because these certain people cannot accept a simple life of no thunder lightning......what Thoreau called quiet desperation.
Does a mind that travel unlimited roads guarantee happiness or misery? I guess a little bit of both:) And what happens when you meet another wondering that for many different reasons chances are really slim that you 'll ever get to travel a part of the path with...just a brief meeting , a random crossing.
I have missed just getting on a plane and landing on a new place of the world, there are so many I haven't seen yet:) I have noticed that ever since Xmas I am much more lonely, less communicative and quite...........well sad...
So I do hope and wish that this irreplaceable sparks......the ones that I so much love and depend on will not perish......
Its strange how a really bad thing, like a destruction at work, a really bad one, can introduce you to other wonderers.....other people you never really thought were out there......
Life is so full of strange and amazing crossings, I guess I have said that before.....
I feel like I have been at a stance this past months....and now I think, I believe, I feel I have to get out of it.....but I don't know how....
Labels: Hope, Personal, Philosophy, Saddenes