
There is this movie I love called "Love Actually"
Many people would call it a 'chick flick' however to me this is a movie that says so much about love in such an emotional yet funny way...I have it in my top ten list right up there with Visconti's 'Il Gattopardo' and Cubrick's '2001'.
(Not to mention the scene where Hugh Grant dances to the beat of 'Jump'!):)
What I love about it is that it catches (for me) the true (almost) essence of love.
Love is not always the way it is supposed to be, brings you into trouble, hurts you, makes you choose when you do not really want to choose, and true love, when faced with bravery will literally make you move mountains. Because love is actually......all around.
Everyone needs love. Anyone who says he doesn't need love is a crippled fool.
But how easy is it to find love? Well...not so easy.......
We have all been in relationships where we thought we were in love and later on we wonder how on earth we were ever with that person. We have all been in bad relationships, awful and hurtful etc etc.
But what about the good ones?
I have felt that I'm falling in love after only hours of meeting a person. And I'm not talking about wanting to rip the clothes of him and drag him into bed, (which, lets be honest , is not that difficult if you've had a couple of drinks - Kir Royal in my case) I'm talking about feeling this emotional and psychic connection that makes you feel so utterly not alone. The feeling that lifts the barriers of your lonely existence, even for a moment, and takes away the suffering of the loneliness of humanity.
Plato said that love , 'Eros' is the longing of the soul for its eternal ancient other half. Also lets not forget the ancient greek myth where Eros and Psyche are the two eternal lovers.

The truth is, love is the only thing that makes the emptiness bearrable.
And it is also so very difficult to find. Many time you think you re in love only to see in the end that you were mistaken.
For to be in love and to be loved back one has to like you and accept you for what you are. And then to care for you , for your spiritual growth. That is to me very important. To be willing (not necesserily able) to move mountains or at least to try for you. To be the eternal explorer.
I have a thing. I love looking at the sky. The night sky. To me the night sky, full of stars, is a never ending hope. Whenever I look upon it I am filled with awe and hope and happiness. And at those moments I do not feel alone.
If this is a feeling I can share with someone than I am in love truly. Very few times have I experienced this. Do not ask me if those were true.
Of course there is also the aspect of physical attraction. To get back to the ripping the clothes of him part.
Sex is very enjoyable:) But you can have sex without being in love. Enjoy it very much and not be in love. A chemistry! The alchemy of the body, what can I say....
But sex when you are in love, now that's something

And again it has to do with the lifting of the barriers of loneliness. We humans are so lonely creatures.
To love you have to first accept and love and appreciate yourself otherwise you are not capable of loving or be loved by anyone else. And then you have to throw out of your life everyone that hurts you, tries to hold you back, make you miserable, make a mockery of what you are, what you believe, what you love. Make a mockery of your life.
Love is NOT ABOUT MAKING COMPROMISES!!!!! (at least not always)
Love is about first of all be loved for who you are and love the other person for who they are. Oh and wanting to rip the clothes of each other is not bad either.
Love is fighting when there is no hope. Overcoming obstacles that you thought were impossible to overcome. Have music in your heart. Love makes you want to evolve and be better. Love is .....well.....its life.
As Anthony Hopkins so eloquently puts it in another of my favorite movies 'Meet Joe Black' :
"I want you to get swept away. I want you to levitate. I want you to sing with rapture, dance like a dervish.
I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? I say fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart.

I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. "
As I have said before : "Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."
What is love really if not what you claim...accepting the other person as he/she is even if you were looking for something else..but this is what is amazing about it..looking for something else and that something different from what you had expect comes knocking on your locked door..and I mean locked.You have to find the key which is probably hidden in an old closet and think if you truly want to unlock that door. I think there are people that surround us who haven;t actually unlocked that door and just lent their key for a while only a while to several passengers. But do we really need so much crowd wandering around our soul, body and mind without having much to say or give. We don't. Noone needs the crowd if he/she can have just one who can undestand. This is my point of view , I don;t care how many people will read my poems I care about the one person who will read between the lines ...about sex is really great but I agree with you , you can;t possible compare sex with a person that doesn;t mean anything to you , with sex with a person you're in love with. Two different stories Taty...
Γράφεις για σεξ κι εγώ το διαβάζω τόσο καθυστερημένα; Πάει... έχω χάσει τελείως το ένστικτό μου!
Τα υπόλοιπα είναι άνευ σημασίας, άνευ ουσίας :)
Ναι! επιτέλους είπα τη λέξη taboo..!!!
Αν το σεξ είναι ταμπού, είμαι ένας ταμπουρωμένος :)
Μα τι λέτε??? Λίγες μέρες δεν έγραψα κι εγώ το άμοιρο και τι βλέπω??? :))))
χιχιχιχιχιχιχχι τι να πω, θεωρώ ότι το σεξ ακολουθεί την πορεία μας στη ζωή....και πλέον δεν ξέρω κατά πόσον θα έκανα casual sex γιατί άσχετα με ότι και να λέει ο καθένας για μένα προσωπικά είναι κάτι παραπάνω από ανταλλαγή υγρών....
Και έχω βαρεθεί να με αντιμετωπίζουν και έτσι.....
egw ayto pou den einai antallagi aplis eyxaristisis kai proypothetei amoivaio synaisthima to lew kanw erwta...vevaia mporeis na kaneis sex kai me kapoion pou eisai erwteymeni...apla ta ksexwrizw ligo sto myalo mou..px.den mporw na dexthw oti kaneis erwta me kapoion kai goustareis na ton sapizeis sto xilo..sorry all ayto einai brutal sex kai kati xeirotero ...peite me syntiritiki alla me xalaei... Taty gia tin agapi egrapses - gia sex kataliksame na milage. O alombar ftaei pou kateythyne tin syzitisi..:)
Βασικά το σάπισμα στο ξύλο ούτε σεξ είναι ούτε τίποτα παρόμοιο...εγώ το λέω ανωμαλία.......
Και δεν είμαι fan :)
Ναι το χει αυτό ο Alombar;)
Αφού το έχετε διαβάσει το βιβλίο, οφείλετε να γνωρίζετε οτι ο Alombar θεωρούσε το σεξ αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της αιώνιας νιότης του.
Είναι επίσης γνωστό οτι τα καλύτερα πράγματα στη ζωή είναι εννέα. Το πρώτο είναι το σεξ - τα υπόλοιπα οκτώ δεν είναι και τόσο σημαντικά.
Κατά τα άλλα, βλέπω και τις γυναίκες πόσο πολύ το μισούν αυτό το κακό το σεξ που τις βρήκε :)
Ο Alombar καλα έκανε και αγαπούσε το sex ο ανθρωπος τόσα που πέρασε τουλαχιστον ευχαριστήθηκε απολαύσεις...ομολογουμένως η σκηνη με τον Πάνα και τα βουκολικά με είχε εντυπωσιάσει..anyway οι γυναικες απλα εχουμε μαθει να παραπονιόμαστε για το καθετι μη μας δίνεται και πολυ σημασια πραγματικα ορισμένες φορές μας χρειάζεται...
Το βιβλίο προφανώς το έχω διαβάσει εσύ μου το έδωσες ως required reading!!!
Anyway, ποιός είπε ότι το σεξ είναι κακό?:)
Εγώ πάλι δεν παραπονιέμαι υπερβολικά, αντίθετα θα έλεγα ότι παραπονιέμαι και λίγο σε σχέση με αυτά που μου συμβαίνουν.....αλλά αν κάποιος δε μου δώσει την πρέπουσα (τονίζω τη λέξη) σημασία τότε τσαντίζομαι! Και προσβάλλομαι.
Μη μας υποβιβάζεις Esther ούτε εσύ είσαι άτομο που παραπονιέται......οπότε αν και όταν το κάνεις πιστεύω ότι πέπει να σουδίνουμε σημασία.....ακόμα και αν είναι για το σεξ:)
Αισθάνομαι πολύ χαρούμενος που βρίσκομαι μεταξύ δύο γυναικών που συζητούν για σεξ :)
Αυτος ακριβώς ήταν ο σκοπός Τατυ , χαίρομαι που το πιασες...ειδικά εμένα που με ενοχλούν πολλά και έχω δίκιο να με ενοχλούν (εσύ ξέρεις) δεν παραπονιέμαι καθόλου (και δεν μιλαω για το sex) για αυτο δεν πρέπει να παραπονιόμαστε ποτε ...καλά ο Alombar συνεχίζει το τροπάριο του..όμως κοντός ψαλμός αλληλούια .. Κυριακή κοντή γιορτή..κτλ
Πολύ κοντή!
xaxa , nai! toso tapa pou den tin eidame kan!!!
Και δεν απαντάτε και στο μεηλ μου! Γκρ!
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