Yes yes yes!
Today is my last day at work! No I'm not fired, I'm just finally having a few days off, before the new season begins (and being responsible for a few things like.....oh the little thing of our brand new - and our own finally- DSLAMS...I think I deserve 5 days) ;)
So anyway, I can't decide what I want to do....well sleep of course....sleep and sleep and sleep and then sleep some more.
See all the movies, and all the plays, go to all the clubs, get out of Athens, stay in Athens, see all 4 seasons of 24 again, since season 5 is about to begin (I definately have missed Jack Bauer!!!), see all 7 seasons of MacGyver again (at least my 100 top episodes)....
I think I'm not going to have time to do all these things :-)
Well I am going to try.....the last few months (years) have been extremely difficult for me and painful in many ways. So in these few days I think I'm not going to make the mistake people usually make, try to please everyone else besides themselves.
So I'm going to have along-overdue rest, switch off (AT LAST) the freaking phone and have a good night sleep (for the last 10 days that I've been on stand-by I was awaken either at 4 or 6 in the morning...why do all problems have to happen at night????) and do all the things that are pleasant and resting for my mind and soul...
Yes I know it sounds lame to watch 24 and MacGyver to relax and rest but what can I do I'm weird:)
I really do feel very very tired, content for what I've achieved in the last few weeks (work stuff, stand by and etc) and yet tired enough to desperately need silence.
I'm a lonely person most of the time, like to travel alone , go to the movies alone, but good company is always welcome (well...almost always...not during travelling)
Its ridicoulous that all I can plan ahead now is to sleep. Well.....thats what I need I guess.
I'm also tired by constantly trying for human interaction (yes I am a computer person to the end).
Always trying to make conversation, being understanding , supportiveblah blah blah....TIRED! I just want to shut up and read. Listen to music. Sleep.
(sleep seems to be the pattern here)
Hopefully I'll also get to drive around a bit, not just home-work, work-home (and shopping) but maybe go a bit further than Athens. If I 'm awake that is.
So, one hour to go.......:)
The pic is Dusty looking at me talking on the phone, contemplating on what would be better, to bite the phone or me?:P
Ela mia xaroula, sleep sleep sleep, asta ayta ta travelling alone , kati yposxethikes! ase pou tha ta pame mia xara giati tha leei i mia stin alli :skase twra na apolaysw ti stigmi..kati poy dystyxws den to katalavenoun oloi..
Μικρό είσαι πολύ σωστή!
Είπαμε για σένα θα κάνω εξαίρεση!!!!! :)
Κι έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο ε...ποτέ δεν το είχα σκεφτει αλλά ναι, το να μπορείς να το πεις αυτό στον άλλο είναι πολύ πολύ σπουδαίο......!!
να το πεις αυτό στον άλλο
Ποιός είναι ο άλλος;
Εεεεε.......ο Richard Dean Anderson φυσικά (καλά τι απάντηση περίμενες από μένα πονηρό πλάσμα?):P
Α, άλλη μία από τις υψηλές γνωριμίες σου, φαντάζομαι :)
Μα φυσικά.....μόνο τέτοιες έχω άλλωστε ;-)
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