December 1!:)
The first day of the last month of the year. The month of Xmas and New Year's eve and everything.
The month u know the town gets all shiny and happy, when you go shopping without any guilt trips, when u know u'll spend half the days possibly drunk or with a hangover, when you'll get that extra bonus from work, but at the end you'll have even less money left, the month you remember what it was like to be a kid, with your family under the Xmas tree, opening presents.....
I love this month! Its probably my most most favorite month. It wasn't always a happy one but still there are so many happy memories I have, the fact that it is the final month of the year, when you can finally relax a bit, the year is almost over, you can sit back and wait it out.
When the year starts you're determined to make all these things happen, make this a great year etc etc. But....things don't always work out, life has its own plans. In December no more plans, just 31 days till New Year. Even though this year I have no planned vacations, I will be working through Xmas and New Year and quite hard cause the rest of my team will be on vacations, I'm still so happy.
I cant wait to go downtown and see Syntagma Square all made up for the holidays. And see

My happiest memory from Xmas times is not one of my many journeys (because every year during Xmas time I go on a trip).
My happiest memory is of a Xmas time, when I was maybe 5, I can't really remember. When I went to sleep at night it was very cold but no snow just freezing cold. In the morning my grandpa came in the room, woke me up, opened the balcony door.......to a snow covered garden, glistening in the first light. Pure, white snow, had covered everything and was so amazingly beautiful I remember it still. There are some images that just leave a clear and definitive imprint on our minds and souls. Well that image has left one in me. Any happy moment after that has to be compared to that......and is found wanting. I was so so young, just beginning to understand my world, and I was loved, God, so much loved by my family, thing for which I am so grateful, it has defined me, made me make it through the hard times, because the memory, the warmth of that love is with me still, even though the people are long gone.
Another beloved memory of Xmas I have is of Xmas evening. After dinner when everyone was going to bed I was left in the great salon, where the Xmas tree was. I was alone everyone was getting ready to sleep, and it was ery quiet, but the tree was all lit up, there was a silent buzz from the xmas lights. I sat on the couch, looked at the tree and just drifted in thoughts. And I distinctively remember saying to myself, remember this moment as one of perfect happiness. Grasp it, savour it, to be able to relive it when you'll no longer have the people who define your happiness. It surprises me now how I could perceive loss when I was so young and had not yet experienced it.
There was another time, I was in Austria. I went to the Imperial Ball at Hofburg Palace. Ok another night to remember, or the other time in Prague such a special time,

I love Xmas, did I say that? :-)
But at the same time I miss my family so so much during those times. Its hard, so so hard from a large family to be left with one other person. And I know my mom feels the loss just as much as I do so I have to put on my happy face and try to cheer her up.
She's a lovely person, I can't stand it when she hurts. I can be strong enough for the both of us. But ....sometimes......I just wish........
Never mind:)

Anyway, for all those happy moments in the past thank you, and for all the happy ones to come, I can't wait!!!
As Mac says 'Another day, a whole other set of new possibilities! I'm a sucker for mornings' ;-)
Well....I'm also a sucker for Xmas!
Γούτσου γούτσου :)
Πως με ξέρεις εσύ ;) Και το εννοώ......
I hope these holy days are also that beautiful for you as in the past. And even if they are more difficult try to remember all these marvellous pictures you keep in your head of all the places you have been these days that other people did not have the time , money or even mood to visit and tell yourself you are a lucky person!!ok?
Well.....I believe luck is what we make of it. And I also think that people who have around them the people they love are so so fortunate. So no.....I will try to look to the future but I will not tell myself that because I have the heart of an explorer and always want to travel I am lucky......that is just who I am....I would be lucky if I had the people I love around me now.
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