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Location: Athens, Greece

A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases
It will never pass into nothingness
But still will keep a bower quiet for us
And a sleep full of sweet dreams and health and quiet breathing
End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back and all change to silver glass and then you see it.White shores and beyond. A far green country under a swift sunrise
Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition
Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos ancient and vast from which we spring
C. Sagan
'O me!O life! of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless--of cities filled with the foolish;what good amid these,O me,O life?
Answer.That you are here that life exists,and identity;that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.'

Monday, January 14, 2008

Original Sin and Consciousness

Ok so I finished book 2 of 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy, the Subtle Knife.

So many moments in this book are memorable even though I still like the first one better but with this I get a clearer view of P.Pullman's vision.

That original sin as a metaphysical happening meaning the enlightenment of man is to happen once more an Lyra is going to play the role of Eve, Great Mother of us all.

That experience is what makes humans have self awareness and leads them to a complete form of their daemon.

Daemons in this book and in Will Parry's world (which is in fact our world) live inside people's minds and hearts, and Lyra sees Will's daemon through his eyes.

It is a very touching moment when Pan , in the form of a German shepherd, licks Will's wounds because , as he explains to Lyra later, he desperately needed a daemon to hang on to life.

Another intense moment is the death of Lee Scorsby and his daemon Esther. The way they fight together up to the very end, knowing full well thay will die, and doing it to save Will's father and essentially to help Lyra......the way they look at each other , the grown man from Texas and his rabbit daemon in all that death and fire......heartbreaking

The meeting of Will and his father, the aknowledgement only for a moment in their eyes before John Pari's death by the arrow of a wich whose love he had refused.....

The cruelty of the children in Cittàgazze, the fear the Phantoms that suck the life out of grown people, people with experience and consciousness, the fighting of the witches, the death of the brave witch whose bones Mrs. Caulter broke but she refused to reveal the name Eve.

And ultimately the pain of the parting of one's soul, any kind of being , with his or her daemon.

P.Pullman says that the church tries to keep most people without the essential curiosity that leads us to knowledge, to progress, to the essential knowledge of being, that you are here, that life exists, that you are alive as a spiritual entity, that most people are kept in a condition like sheep or probably zombies...without a soul

I have spent my life mostly trying to understand and realize who I am , what I am and how I fit in into the great order of things. I know I will probably never really find out but the quest itself is the only reason to go on living.

Self awareness and the choice, the ability to consciously make a choice between good and evil as you perceive it........that is what makes us beings with a soul, with a daemon......

I guess my daemon would be a golden eagle.......because he is lonely and proud and free in the skies and he protects his own.....then again maybe a dolphin because of their extreme intelligence and compassion.....oh I'm not sure yet......but he 's in here somewhere......I can feel him in the quiet hours but also screaming in my mind when the noises tend to cover every other voice.....

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