Mary Magdalene
My whole life is targeted and revolves around the quest for meaning, for Truth.
It is my belief that the only way to this Truth is science. Can science be perceived as religion? No. Definattely not. Because anything in science can be overwritten or taken down if new evidence prove it wrong. The Universe is writen in the language of science and its words are made up by numbers. Math and Physics...the only true universal language.
However my spiritual quest has taken me to many places, looking for meaning. I have been emmensely interested in Christianity and the Ancient Mother Goddess.
I want to talk about Mary Magdalene.
These days, after the Da Vinci Code, many stories about the truth behind the myth of Jesus and MAry Magdalene have come up.
After reading many books (I personnaly suggest The Templar Revelation, Lyn Picknett and Clive Prince, Mary Magdalene The Blood Conspiracy by Laurence Gardner, Mary Magdalene: Christianity's Hidden Goddes Lynn Picknett) I find myself puzzled. (as John Cage says in Ally McBeal):P
To start at the beginning, there was of course Jesus. But Jesus , if not the son of God, was definnately a unique person in some way for the whole world to be talking about him after 2000 years. Why?
Jesus came from the bloodline of David. He was literally destined to be the king of Jews. His actions as described in the Gospels are based on symbolism. His miracles, his words. They can be interpreted and understood for what they are. These gospels are not the only works of literature we have of those times. These are the ones that were ACEEPTED in the council of Nicea.
The works Christians base their religion on , their faith were works made over by priests, who aimed in only conceiling the true meaning of Christianity, the gnosticism of Christianity as well as another big secret, the true relationship between Mary the one called Magdalene and Jesus.
Mary was called in the gnostic gospels found in the dessert of Naq Hammadi as 'the apostle of the apostles'. She was the one 'Jesus loved most than all others and kissed her on the mouth'. Peter asked with anger Jesus 'why he loves her more'. And Jesus replied that 'she is the one who knows all, and the one he loves more'.
In her own gospel Mary says that she fears Peter because 'he is cruel and hates our sex' (women)
Catholic church, the Vatican is based in the belief that Peter was the Apostole appointed by Jesus as the bearer of his legacy. If this belief was overcome than ages and ages of suppressing women, hiding the truth of the true relationship between Mary and Jesus, if the abolishment of women from the clergy, from pristhood, if the belief that women are only 'child bearers', dirty, not worthy, if all this was , is overcome.....where will this leave the Vatican?
The Vatican bases all its strength in the factg that Christianity is not supposed to be a gnostic religion. That is a person cannot Know God (from the greek word gnosis) by himself, the person needs an intermeddiate. That is the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church can interpret the word of God and bring the believer close to the word of God.
It is the 'Insider' so to speak.
Before Christianity the pagan religions had the Great Mother Goddess and the ritual of the Sacred Marriage, a union of the king with a priestess of the Goddess, a virgin priestess, with which marriage the king would 'wed' his land and be willing to be sacrificed in times of need. There were such ritual sacrifices in times of plague or other disasters.
Also Jesus was not the first to be 'resurected' from the dead. Many other gods such as Osiris in the Egyptian religion, Odin in the Norse and Dionysus in Greek as well as many others were resurected from the dead. Resurrection was a major part of the god-role in the old days. Christianity has absorbed this as well as other characteristics from the pagan religions.
The concept of the Mother Goddess was something that Christianity decided to destroy. Christianity hates women. And has decided to lock them out, make them feel as dirty, less people.
For this the true identity of Mary Magdelene had to be concealed and her reputation spilled.
Mary was also of a royal bloodline. It is written in the Gospels in the Bible that Jesus was sustained be the women who followed him. Rich women. Women of power. These were Martha, Mary's sister, Mary Magdalene, Salome and his mother Mary.
Also the title Magdalene. It is not a name. It is a title. Lyn Picknett suggests that Mary was priestess to the Egyptian Goddess Isis. The priestess and the King who wed in sacred marriage.
She also suggests that she was a member of a still-existing sect known as the Mandeans, now located in Iraq, who believe John the Baptist to be the true Messiah.
Jane Schaberg, professor of women’s studies and religious studies at the University of Detroit Mercy, in her book The Resurrection of Mary Magdalene aptly describes Mary Magdalene as a mirror of “fundamental questions of sexuality and the spirit, guilt and transcendence, authority and love.”
Mary Magdalene, mentioned more times in the New Testament than any other woman, she has arguably been the most misrepresented of all Jesus’ disciples. In the Gnostic texts, the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, we are presented with Mary Magdalene as someone to whom Jesus gave secret teachings of how to achieve direct spiritual knowledge (called gnosis in Greek), and who argued with Peter over the validity of her knowledge.
The church tried to spill her reputation by calling her a whore, even though nowhere in the gospels is it identified that MAry Magdalene and the woman saves from the crowd are the same person.
Mary was educated, rich. The woman who 'knows all', the embodiment of gnosis. The apostle of the apostles in Jesus's own words.
And as described by Jewish rituals, Jesus was expected to marry as a man but also an heir to a royal bloodline. Only the wife could throw myro from the alabaster jar on her husband as a preparation for the ritual sacrifice, like Mary Magdalene does. Jesus asks Magdalene not to touch him outside his tomb because she is pregnant. And in Jew tradition pregnant women are not allowed contact with men. From this union came three children.
These children Mary took with her when she fled to France to escape her death. It is a possible explanation to Da Vinci's famous paintings Madonna of the Rocks. Laurence Gardner argues that the woman in the painting is not really Mary, mother of Jesus. It is MAry Magdalene, wife of Jesus. Think about it. The scenery is not in the dessert. It looks european and has a lake in the background as well as rocks. The colours of the clothes are the traditional MAry Magdalene colours. The cross and other details to suggest this is MAry the mother were added later by other inferior artists and not Leonardo.
It is also argued that after fleeing to France the royal bloodline was continued to the Merovingian Kings. In his book Gardner gives an illustration of the bloodline starting from David up to King Arthur of Camelot.
So, what is this secret, this probably most elaborate hoax of alll times? Even though many of the facts in the Da Vinci code are false (such as the facts about the Last Supper by Da Vinci) the truth is that the Christian Church has commited a terrible crime against women and against humanity.
It has concealed the identity of a woman, a Queen, the chosen spouse of Jesus, the Apostle of the Apostles. Tho woman who in his own words was the embodiment of Gnosis.
In the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the risen Jesus encounters several women.In the Gospel of John, he only encounters Mary Magdalene. John sees Mary as the one who announced to the Apostles the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and his return to our God and Father. This makes her the Apostle of the Apostles. This is lost in the other Gospels.
The church has managed to keep women out of the faith, out of the world, considered inferior, dirty , unworthy. Oh so many crimes commited in the name of Christianity.
In order to lock out the Sacred Feminine many pagan rituals were incorporated into Christianity. Easter was in fact the Goddess Estir Spring ritual, where in the glory of the Goddess and fertility people would look for red eggs in the countryside. Jesus was not born on Xmas 25th of December. He was born in September. Xmas was made up by Constanitne the Great in order to incorporate the Winter Solstice. Tree decorating? The Xmas tree we so love? Druids (and some other ancient cultures) saw evergreen trees as symbols of everlasting life, because they seemed to live through the winter undaunted by the cold. So using evergreen branches as decorations symbolized the undying strength of the Sun. Decorating the trees may have come from the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia
And so many other customs and celebrations.
But the truth about Mary Magdalene, the royal bloodline and the ShangReal (Royal Blood), the fact that Mary was indeed the Holy Grail was not eliminated. Sung by trobadours who composed songs to 'Our Lady', locked in symbolism in paintings (as the Arnolfini Wedding by Jan van Eyck), handed down in secret societies, the secret survived.
This crime that has been commited is perhaps the worst in the history of mankind. It is against not only women but also the whole human race. So many women burned as witches. So many women raped and killed. Unable to be protected. Without rights. Dirty. So many people, locked out from the Gnostic teachings of Jesus, believing that the communion of God and Man is only through the Church, when indeed with the Gnostic gospels it is a direct union of God and Man.
I am an agnostic. But I respect the right of people to a religion. And I also long for answers.
And the Church has deprived humanity of its true legacy. And by destroying the evidence has deprived us all from the Truth.
I hope that this truth will finally be revealed. It has already begun. And the Sacred Feminine can take again its place, its rightful place, among humanity.
Labels: History, Magdalene, Personas, Philosophy
Thanks for the blog!
The Marian tradition (Magdalene, as opposed to Virgin) has preserved a body of literature that is even more damning of the Church than the Nag Hammadi texts. In that literature, Mary took over the heavenly keys from Peter.
The Marian literature also preserves the pearls of wisdom. There is evidence that the Church persecuted anyone who had knowledge of these priceless gems.
In the Catholic tradition, Truth is a dangerous, monstrous heresey.
I agree with you. This truth is so dangerous to the Catholic Church that they would do anything to conceal it. Understandable since that would lead to the demise of Peter's throne...and of course the Vatican's. It all about power. Earthly power. Thanks for your post, its always heartwarming to know people out there read what you write :)
As you see from what I write I have thouroughly researched my subject. I do not hate Christians. I do not hate anyone believing in a religion, looking for answers.
I do hate nonetheless people who burn women at the stake for the crimes of being women. I also hate Nazis. I hate anyone who dares to commit unspeakable crimes against humanity, against the world, against the universe.
As for the Big Bang I ll tell you a little joke:
"So, correct me if I am wrong" said the student to the professor who had just explained the origins of the Universe, and the Big Bang theory, "First there was nothing, and then, it exploded... "
And I ll tell you also something else. I am willing to stand in front of the giant Foucault's Pendulum in the National Museum of Science and Technology in the exact starting point of the plane's motion and dare my science in order not to have a have 100 pounds of steel (aprox) smash in my face.
Do you trust your God enough to stop the plane's motion by prayer?
Don't try it.....
The Universe is my religion
M' aresoun ayta pou grafeis gia ton agnwstikismo. Giati sta aggilika?
Ευχαριστώ για το σχόλιο :) Γράφω στα αγγλικά γιατί είναι η γλώσσα που καταλαβαίνει ο περισσότερος κόσμος.
Αν θέλουμε το Internet να είναί ένα πραγματικά παγκόσμιο μέσο επικοινωνίας θα πρέπει και να μπορεί ο περισσότερος κόσμος να επικοινωνεί με ένα κοινό κώδικα.
Έτσι όπως είναι ο κόσμος αυτή τη στιγμή τα αγγλικά είναι η γλώσσα που γνωρίζουν οι περισσότεροι οπότε...
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